Arabic Short Story in PDF and Video from "The Book of Misers" Al-Bukhlaa' by AlJāḩiz̧
Updated: Sep 4, 2022
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Step into ancient Arabic times with a story from true Arabic folklore. Al-Jahiz (776-869) was one of the greatest Arabic writers and poets of all time. He was also able to make beautiful literature with unique vigor and humor. "The Book of Misers" is a true comical masterpiece, and one of the earliest works of fiction from the Islamic era.
Generosity is a principle virtue for Arabs, and thus his satire on miserliness has a special social purpose, whereby he ridicules both individuals and groups such as schoolmasters, singers or scribes. In addition, there is much incidental detail about traditional culture and conduct. It will appeal to the modern reader for its comical power, sometimes covert and sometimes straight-faced, which remains undiminished 1100 years after it was written.
The story is taken from the book, and is read in Arabic and English at first, then it is explained word by word. Some grammar and comprehension is taught along the way, making learning Arabic seamless and fun. You can also test your knowledge at the end. CLICK HERE TO GO TO YOUTUBE DIRECTLY.

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