Arabic Short Story and Video with English Translation and Transliteration: "My Home, with Jad"
Updated: Feb 5, 2020
Explanatory Video + FREE E-Book including practice questions and grammar notes!
"My Home, with Jad" or "Baytī , maʻa Jād" is a short yet encompassing guide about common and basic home vocabulary in Arabic, suitable for new learners or beginners. Jād, the main character, introduces his home (or house) to the reader, room by room, describing the items, using short simple sentences in Arabic. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD THIS EBOOK (which also includes some practice exercises at the end and grammar notes.
The guide is user friendly, and comes in the form of a short story in Arabic with simple narration. Most importantly, it shows the use of the demonstrated vocabulary in brief and meaningful sentences. So, not only you will learn new words, but you will also understand their meaning in context, and perhaps learn some new sentences too.
For each room there is a step by step explanation for the main items, with short useful sentences in Arabic. This is then followed by a visual map, summing up all the items in the room, for easy reference.
Watch the YouTube Video with explanation, English translation and transliteration:

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