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Just Say No! Negation in Modern Standard Arabic

  • 18 Steps


Do all the different particles in Arabic (laa, lan, lam, maa, laysa) give you headache and stop you from expressing yourself fluently? Join this short course to unleash the Arabic "No" in you. Learn to negate with precision, knowing what negation tool to use and when. In the free version you get access to the video tutorials. In this paid version you get access to the video tutorials + the lesson booklets with notes and worksheets. You are only paying for the downloadable workbooks. Is this a Yes or No from you? :D *Recommended for learners who have already completed A Level Arabic.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Conversation Club-Modern Standard Arabic
£29.00/month + £9.00 Joining Fee


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